Personal Presentation Results evores compass

CHF 3'500.00

Personal presentation of all results and joint interpretation of the evores compass for your team


Get all the results of the evores compass presented in person (online) and discuss them with evores. In a first part we will present the detailed results from the evores compass with many illustrations. This will give you detailed insights into your team’s collaboration and culture without any further input from your team. We have already collected all the necessary data. In a second part, we will discuss the results together and find answers to the following questions:

  • Which categories and questions are particularly surprising, important or interesting?
  • Which categories are important for you? Which ones would you like to improve?
  • What are the problems?
  • What can be changed to improve the situation?
  • How is success monitored?

With this data and the joint discussion, you get a much more precise starting point and initial ideas for optimising the cooperation. This offer is a tailor-made service. We will look for a date for the presentation together. Format: Presentation and meeting online. On-site event easily possible, additional travel costs may apply. Results: Presentation and meeting summary electronically Language: DE or EN


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