Offering a service that no one else has. Bringing a product to market before someone else does. Regularly using feedback from customers to improve your own products. Are these questions important to your team?

Regularly launch new and improved offerings on the market

This offer was elaborated on the basis of various discussions with SME and meets the following requirements:

  • New offers should be brought to the market as quickly as possible.
  • The employees should contribute but spend as little time as possible besides their daily work.
  • New ideas should be tested regularly and in a structured way.
  • The companies basically take care of the process themselves, but are happy to have some support in critical phases.

Explanatory Video

Creating new offerings or improving existing ones is a regular, ongoing process and should not just be done by a small team or once a year in a management meeting. That is why evores is offering a subscription for this task. I support you in systematically collecting the important information and regularly evaluating and transforming it into better offers.

With the evores approach, you systematically collect ideas and feedback from employees as well as from customers and partners. You don’t even have to spend extra time for it, as we build this step into your company’s normal workflows. All employees do their work and projects and learn in the process. We regularly process the findings in joint workshops to improve existing products and services and to test and refine new ideas and bring them to market. Here we use the approach of the Design Thinking method and many other tools.

The goal are great ideas, short test cycles and short time to market for the new products and services. The development and improvement of products and services in your company is the task of all employees. More ears hear more and more eyes see more. Different perspectives and ideas make the results better. However, this is only possible if the additional effort for the people is practically negligible. That’s why we also involve different people in the process and train them to handle the ideas and insights independently during their normal work. From experience, this development also contributes a lot to employee satisfaction.

As with hiking and mountain tours, it is advisable and above all much more enjoyable and promising if you train regularly and not just once a year before a big tour. Make an appointment with me. Then we will discuss together how we can use the procedure for YOUR company and how exactly the process can be designed. The process can be applied to improve offers as well as to improve internal processes and cooperation.

Type of event

Combination of individual tasks, trainings and joint workshops.


Regularly launch new products and services or improve existing offerings.

Participants / Team

Diverse composition depending on the company and industry.

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