Continuous improvement is like provisions on a mountain tour. You may get very far without it. But by the time you are really hungry, it is usually already too late. That’s why it’s important to eat regularly.

Continuous improvement of internal processes and collaboration with design thinking

You usually notice the need for improvement of your internal processes when you have absolutely no time to take care of it. Great ideas for improving internal cooperation come to you in all kinds of situations, but usually not when you are thinking hard about them. That’s why it’s important to capture ideas and feedback in a structured way at crucial moments and then process them regularly. Use Design Thinking for continuous improvement in your team.

Continuous improvement of cooperation and internal processes are, as the name suggests, a continuous process. But smaller teams in particular cannot take care of this on an ongoing basis; the day-to-day business has priority. Therefore, it is important to at least continuously record feedback on problems and ideas for improvements as they arise. Time must then be regularly reserved for processing these findings and implementing the improvements. Start a subscription with evores today for long-term support with these processes.

The evores approach is based on the Design Thinking method and was created in exchange with various SME. The approach fulfils the following requirements:

  • Feedback, ideas and insights should be collected from as many team members as possible on an ongoing basis.
  • New ideas and improvement should be reviewed regularly and in a structured way
  • The improvements should be tested and implemented as quickly as possible (design thinking)
  • The companies basically take care of the process themselves, the support by evores can be chosen modularly

Gathering problems and suggestions for improvement with more people and less time spent

We build the collection of insights into your staff’s normal workflows so that you hardly have to spend any extra time. This also allows us to involve more team members in the process. You do your work and projects and learn as you go. It is crucial that you can pick up on all the learnings immediately if something strikes you, without having to deal with it personally and immediately. More ears hear more and more eyes see more (blog post on the subject). Different perspectives give more ideas and a better overview. In addition, there are fewer systematic errors in recording when more people are involved. And from experience, this inclusion also contributes a lot to the satisfaction of the employees. Their problems, suggestions for solutions and ideas are taken seriously and flow directly into the improvement of internal processes and cooperation.

Design thinking for improvement projects

We regularly process the findings in joint workshops to improve existing processes and collaboration or to test, refine and implement new ideas. Here we use the Design Thinking method and many other tools. In part, this process leads to new projects, which you can develop on your own or we can develop together.

As with hiking and mountain tours, it is advisable and above all much more pleasant and promising if you train regularly and not just once a year before a big tour. Make an appointment with me. Then we discuss together how we can use the method for YOUR company and how exactly the process can be designed.

Type of event

Combination of individual tasks, trainings and joint workshops.


Regularly improve internal processes and collaboration and test and implement new ideas.

Participants / Team

Diverse composition depending on the company and industry. Cross-functional team

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