We all have a WHY. Knowing your WHY inspires and supports you to live a fulfilled life. But often we haven’t formulated it and can’t realise its full potential. In this post I give you some tips and guidance on how to find your WHY and live a fulfilled and meaningful life.

Find your WHY
Find your WHY Instruction for individuals and groups


What is Your Why?

Your WHY is the invisible force that inspires and motivates you in life. Knowing your meaningful contribution to a group or society fulfils you. The WHY is the reason you are better at some tasks or situations than others and find more fulfilment in them. Some call it Purpose or Purpose, others call it Task or Ability. In any case, it makes you unique and leads to more satisfaction and motivation in your job and everyday life.

The method is based on the bestseller by Simon Sinek: Start with WHY. Every individual, every team and every company has its own WHY.

Golden Circle Concept by Simon Sinek

Best-selling author Simon Sinek has developed the concept of the Golden Circle to talk about this abstract topic. According to Sinek, it is not important WHAT we do or HOW we do something, but WHY we do it (see figure below).

Golden Circle Simon Sinek
Golden Circle by Simon Sinek (Source: thetrainingthinking.com)

So to live a fulfilled and meaningful life, we should always start in the middle – find out WHY we do something. Then we go outwards and discover HOW we bring this WHY into the world and WHAT we finally do in concrete terms.

Instruction on Find your WHY

Finding the WHY is an important part of the search for a meaningful life. Together we analyse experiences from your past where the best version of you came out, where you used your skills and this led to great joy and fulfilment. To find your WHY, follow these 6 simple steps:

  1. Collect personal stories and memories from the past that brought fulfilment and in which you rose above yourself.
  2. Look for common recurring themes in all these stories
  3. WHAT: this was your personal contribution in these stories to the group, society or situation
  4. WHY: this was the impact/effect of this contribution on the group or situation
  5. Create a WHY statement (a guiding principle). WHAT is my contribution to society and what do I achieve with it (WHY). You can always take this sentence with you. It supports you in making important decisions.
  6. Test and improve the statement: The statement should feel good, the exact words are not important and can be refined later. You can discuss the guiding principle with friends or sleep on it a few times.

A neutral observer is very helpful in this journey of discovery. It is optimal if the person does not know you well and can therefore ask the right in-depth questions. For this reason, this support is available for individuals as an offer from evores.

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Benefits of Find your WHY

Finding your own WHY is one of the most important steps on the path to a meaningful life. This is how you can use your WHY guiding principle:

  1. Make better decisions. The WHY serves as a guide for decisions and projects in all areas of life, i.e. both private and professional. It works like a filter to check whether a decision, a project, a strategy makes sense for you.
  2. Discover direction and new ideas. Discover WHAT else you could do with your WHY. Maybe you have an idea for a new job or a new project?
  3. Use your strengths. Following your WHY is your most valuable contribution to a group or society in general.
  4. Inspire and support others: Communicate your WHY!

Does this decision or project support me?

For example, I offer this workshop because it optimally supports my WHY (… releasing And for this reason I love to discover their WHY with even more people.

Are you ready for the discovery? There is an offer for individuals, the session lasts a good 3h and takes place online. For teams and companies there is a special offer, the process is slightly different. Information about the offer for groups and companies.

On the author

Claudio Lehmann is founder and consultant at evores. As an engineer and management consultant, he is fully committed to making the existing potential in companies visible and utilising it. Long-term sustainability starts with motivated employees and goes through efficient collaboration to the innovative strategy of companies that bring value to society. People. Planet. Profit.

Get in contact with me!

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