Leading international teams successfully

Diverse international teams are a reality in many industries and companies, and it is often considered a quality feature by the companies, because they want to be close to the customers, speak their language and also have the best technical experts on board. This is all true – as long as the teams are well […]

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Combining existing knowledge in a new way – a competitive advantage for your company?

How can a company’s existing knowledge generate particularly high value for the company and provide a competitive advantage? There is a separate stream of strategic management that deals with this question (knowledge-based view). There is a separate stream of strategic management that deals with this question (knowledge-based view). A simple answer to this question: When […]

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Knowledge transfer in the company: the success factors

The basic economic resource – the means of production -is no longer capital, nor natural resources, nor labour. It is and will be knowledge. Peter Drucker Knowledge is the most important resource of many companies. In this article we discuss the success factors for maintaining, sharing and transferring knowledge in the company. The most important […]

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Success of complex projects starts at the beginning

In engineering consortia and joint ventures, different companies work together as partners in complex construction projects. There are different types of cooperation, but they have one thing in common: the efficiency of the cooperation and ultimately the success and profit of a project are significantly decided at the beginning. This is true for most complex […]

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